Amendment 13 to the 2024-2033 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program

The 2024-2033 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) identifies state and federally funded transportation investments within the New Bern Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Area.

 Amendment 13 includes adding funding to the Federal Lands Transportation Program and the Emergency Relief for federally owned roads for road and bridge improvements that will be constructed on federally owned facilities.

 This Amendment will enable transportation projects to continue to move through the planning, design, right-of-way, and construction phases. Public comments will be received through January 1, 2025.

 For more information and to submit comments, you can email, call 252-639-7592 or send comments to New Bern Area MPO, 303 First Street, New Bern, NC 28560.


Amendment 14 to the 2024-2033 MTIP Public Notice


Amendment 12 to the 2024-2033 MTIP - Public Notice