DocumentsMTIP FY 2024-2033Amendment 1Amendment 2Amendment 3Amendment 4Amendment 5Amendment 6Amendment 7Amendment 8Amendment 9Amendment 10Amendment 11Amendment 12Amendment 13Amendment 142024-2033 STIPFY 25 Unified Planning Work ProgramAnnual Listing of Obligations and AuthorizationsPlansMTP Update: Envision 2045Craven County CTPCity of New Bern Bicycle & Pedestrian PlanBridgeton Bicycle & Pedestrian PlanRiver Bend Bicycle & Pedestrian PlanCARTS Transit Development PlanENC Freight & Mobility PlanPublic Involvement Plan (November 2023)Title VI Policy and Plan (November 2023)CARTS Title VI Plan (August 2023)Organizational DocumentsNBAMPO Vision and GoalsNBAMPO Goal Strategies3C Planning ProcessProspectusTransportation Advisory Committee (TAC) By LawsTechnical Coordinating Committee (TCC) By LawsMemorandum of UnderstandingHelpful LinksNCDOT Construction ReportAmerican Planning AssociationAssociation of Metropolitan Planning OrganizationsNorth Carolina Association of Metropolitan Planning OrganizationsComplete Streets2024-2033 STIP Map