Strategic Prioritization Process
The Strategic Prioritization Process is a data-driven, transparent method for prioritizing transportation projects and is used to develop the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which is a listing of projects to be delivered within an upcoming 10-year work program. Prioritization scores all roadway, public transportation, bicycle & pedestrian, rail, ferry, and aviation projects based upon approved criteria. STI legislation has created collaboration between NCDOT and MPO’s in the development of their Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) every two years through the Prioritization process. The process involves submitting projects into the ranking and scoring competition in SPOT, then awarding local input points which increase the final project score. The current round of prioritization is known as P7.0.
Prioritization 7.0
The project submittal window for Prioritization 7.0 will form the 2026-2035 State/MPO Transportation Improvement Program. The NBAMPO is coordinating with local planning partners to select project submittals from the adopted New Bern Metropolitan Transportation Plan “Envision 2045” as well as the 2023 Craven County Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The public comment period for the NBAMPO’s draft project submittals began on August 16th and ended on August 24th. The TAC approved a list of projects to submit at it’s September 7, 2023 Board meeting.
Staff submitted projects to NCDOT for scoring. The Quantitative Scores were released late May. To learn more about the Prioritization 7.0 process, visit NCDOT’s Prioritization Resources page.
Public Comment on Future Transportation Projects
New Bern Area MPO sought public input from June 28 - July 28, 2024 on what projects are most important to the community. The MPO developed a P7.0 Local Input Methodology establishing the criteria of adding local input points which influence the overall project score of a project. One of these criteria is Community Importance which allows local discretion, based upon public comment and Transportation Advisory Committee’s concurrence, to determine the relative importance of projects to the community and categorize them accordingly. Local knowledge of the merits of proposed projects carries considerable weight in the assignment of local points. A summary of the public input received as well as the results of the survey can be viewed here.
Local Input Methodology
The Prioritization 7.0 Local Input Methodology describes how projects will be selected to assign local input points. This document establishes the criteria and weights that are assigned to each project, how each project is ranked, the schedule, and how the public can get involved.
Assignment of Regional Impact local input points have been finalized. Public comment is currently underway for the draft recommendation of the assignment of Division Needs local input points from October 24 - November 20, 2024. The public may provide comments to Deanna Trebil at via email (, by phone (252-639-7592), or visiting our office located at 303 First Street, New Bern.
Submitted Projects
Click on the interactive map below to view Highway projects submitted for Prioritization (P7.0).
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Click on the interactive map below to view Bike and Pedestrian projects submitted for Prioritization (P7.0).