Eastern Transportation Coalition Mileage-Based User Fee Pilot Program

Eastern Transportation Coalition Mileage-Based User Fee Pilot Program

Fuel tax has largely been responsible for a well-functioning transportation system that gets you to where you need to go, delivers packages to your door, and keeps groceries on the shelves. But as vehicles go farther on less fuel and some stop using any fuel at all, it becomes harder to maintain our transportation system.

The Eastern Transportation Coalition (Coalition) needs your help exploring an alternative approach to the traditional fuel tax, called a Mileage-Based User Fee, and determining if it would be a more equitable and sustainable approach. A Mileage-Based User Fee means drivers only pay for the miles they drive instead of the fuel they buy.

To better understand if this approach could work, the Coalition is conducting a Pilot Program in North Carolina and wants you to join and share what you think! What do you like? What do you think should change? It is free to participate, and there are strict privacy protection measures to safeguard your data. Here’s how to join the Pilot in four easy steps:

1.       Enroll - Fill out the enrollment form by clicking the link on the website.

2.       Insert - Plug a small device into your vehicle to record mileage.

3.       Drive - Then drive as you normally do.

4.       Return - After a few months, mail back the device.

*These steps may vary depending on the mileage-reporting option selected.

Your participation will help shape transportation funding in North Carolina. Visit NorthCarolinaMBUFpilot.com to learn more and enroll. Participants who qualify can receive up to $50. Have questions? Contact a Pilot team member at 984-254-7400 or NorthCarolina@MBUFpilot.org.

FY23 Meeting Schedule

House Appropriations Committee Approves FY23 Appropriations Bill

House Appropriations Committee Approves FY23 Appropriations Bill