Downeast RPO: Surrounds the NBAMPO, therefore we work closely to coordinate planning and project efforts.
US 70 Corridor Committee: US 70 is the major thoroughfare through the NBAMPO, therefore we coordinate with the committee on future improvements.
US 17/64 Committee: US 17 is a major thoroughfare through the NBAMPO, therefore we coordinate with the committee on future improvements.
Eastern NC MPO/RPO Coalition: Effort to promote and support with a unified voice transportation projects that would benefit eastern NC.
Craven Rural Area Transit System (CARTS): Coordinates directly with the NBAMPO on transit elements of the MTP, and participates in TAC & TCC meetings.
NCDOT: Provides updated modeling info and socioeconomic data and also participates in TAC and TCC meetings.
Federal Transit Administration: An agency within the US DOT, providing financial and technical assistance to local public transit systems.