FY26 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Draft
Each year the New Bern Area MPO produces a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) to outline expenditures necessary to carry out planning activities by the MPO and its member agencies during the upcoming fiscal year. NCDOT requires the UPWP be adopted and submitted by March 28, 2025 for the coming fiscal year.
The draft FY 2026 UPWP is similar to the current year’s budget and is created to further the operational objectives identified by the Technical Coordinating Committee and Transportation Advisory Committee. The work program accounts for all direct operating expenses to include personnel, training, corridor studies, and more.
Comments will be received until January 16, 2025. For more information and to submit comments, you can email trebil.deanna@newbernnc.gov, call 252-639-7592 or send comments to New Bern Area MPO, 303 First Street, New Bern, NC 28560.